Here are the steps to update a QRZ page for your 1x1 callsign:
- Pull down CONTACT at the top of the page and select Help Desk.
- A sign in screen comes up. Enter your callsign and QRZ password.
- Once logged in Select Other Issue - Contact the QRZ staff.
- Next Select Other - see comments. A comment block appears where you put something along the line of: “I have been approved for the use of call <X0X> in this year's Missouri QSO Party. I would like to post my details on that callsigns QRZ page. Thanks – <Your Name>” (NOTE:put in your 1x1 callsign where <X0X> is noted)
- After permission is granted to modify your 1x1 callsign (provided by QRZ)... Personalize the following text (or replace it entirely) and cut and paste it into the QRZ website...
XØX/M (callsign-name)
Operating “Mobile MO <entry class>” from <zz> counties
Saturday county list
Sunday county list
Comments: (paraphrase as desired):
We will be utilizing our DeLorme Atlas & Gazetter plus our Garmin Nuvi which will allow us to travel on several county lines via unpaved roads. Please check out the XØX web-page on for any last minute updates.
73, name/callsign and name2/callsign2