Interesting Statistics from the 2023 Missouri QSO Party

Logs Received over the years chart

Show Me and Missouri certificates over the years

2023 Missouri QSO Party QSOs per County

Missouri County QSOs

Jackson (JAC)51531093400060
St. Louis County (SLC)3436182716081
Saline (SAL)190114634371
Crawford (CRA)185911626970
Montgomery (MGM)1765111662623
St. Louis City (STL)165010166340
St. Charles (STC)16339936400
Jefferson (JEF)130684744910
Cass (CAS)11488592854
Cole (COL)11488393090
Osage (OSA)11089461620
Henry (HEN)10948392514
Platte (PLA)1062759870
Lincoln (LCN)1032980520
Camden (CAM)10227912310
Washington (WAS)7824713110
Macon (MAC)7065761300
Madison (MAD)6444651790
Cooper (COP)621556650
Shelby (SHL)61116100
Lawrence (LAW)557565010
Miller (MIL)51051000
Perry (PER)46924670
Bollinger (BOL)4473381090
Dallas (DAL)4162741420
Webster (WEB)4162741420
Livingston (LIV)38903890
Gasconade (GAS)33103310
Greene (GRN)3141631510
Polk (POL)239155840
Dade (DAD)203150530
Boone (BOO)191120710
Barry (BAR)187143440
Dunklin (DUN)15915900
McDonald (MCD)13670660
Warren (WAR)13461721
Franklin (FRA)12981480
Callaway (CAL)12801271
Newton (NWT)12470540
St. Francois (STF)11394190
Monroe (MON)9569260
Taney (TAN)930930
Stone (STN)8755320
Christian (CHR)8559260
Holt (HLT)790790
Cedar (CED)700700
Audrain (AUD)5941180
Worth (WOR)580571
Clay (CLA)5622340
Ralls (RAL)565330
Howell (HWL)410410
Ozark (OZA)400400
Pettis (PET)350350
Oregon (ORE)290290
Clinton (CLN)240240
Hickory (HIC)240240
Nodaway (NOD)242400
Bates (BAT)211200
Marion (MAR)181710
Dent (DEN)170170
Jasper (JAS)160160
Pemiscot (PEM)160160
Ste. Genevieve (STG)161600
Vernon (VRN)141130
Pike (PIK)131300
Buchanan (BUC)11380
Howard (HOW)110110
Randolph (RAN)110110
Harrison (HAR)9720
Moniteau (MNT)8710
Ray (RAY)7340
Douglas (DGL)6060
Ripley (RIP)5050
Barton (BTN)4040
Laclede (LAC)4040
Linn (LIN)4040
Carroll (CRL)3030
Carter (CAR)3003
Clark (CLK)3120
New Madrid (NMD)3120
Phelps (PHE)3030
Butler (BTR)2110
Gentry (GEN)2020
Texas (TEX)2020
Benton (BEN)1010
Caldwell (CWL)1010
Daviess (DVS)1010
Johnson (JON)1100
Lafayette (LAF)1010
Lewis (LEW)1010
Scotland (SCT)1100
Scott (SCO)1010
St. Clair (SCL)1010
Stoddard (STD)1010
Adair (ADR)0000
Andrew (AND)0000
Atchison (ATC)0000
Cape Girardeau (CPG)0000
Chariton (CHN)0000
DeKalb (DEK)0000
Grundy (GRU)0000
Iron (IRN)0000
Knox (KNX)0000
Maries (MRE)0000
Mercer (MER)0000
Mississippi (MIS)0000
Morgan (MOR)0000
Pulaski (PUL)0000
Putnam (PUT)0000
Reynolds (REY)0000
Schuyler (SCH)0000
Shannon (SHA)0000
Sullivan (SUL)0000
Wayne (WAY)0000
Wright (WRT)0000

Chart showing QSO counts from each Missouri County