Unless otherwise notified, staff meetings are on the first Monday and membership meetings are on the third Monday of every month in building 111, Conference Room 1115 on the Boeing Tract II East campus at 17:00 local time. Talk-in is on the club repeater, WØMA, 147.06+ MHz, 141.3 Hz PL. No communication equipment is allowed in the building except for talk-in. Retirees and visitors must be escorted by a Boeing employee.


Staff meetings provide an opportunity for club officers and staff members to have detailed discussions and conduct business related to the operation of the club. However, it is not a closed meeting. Club members are welcomed to attend these meetings if they so choose. 


The membership meeting provides an opportunity for club officers and staff members to report on the operation of the club to the membership and seek approval of certain issues and decisions. It's an opportunity for members to socialize and share their common interest in ham radio. The meeting also features a program for the entertainment of the membership. Programs typically include guest speakers and/or videos about ham radio. 


Security requires prior authorization for all visitors and retirees attending club meetings in the building 111. All visitors and retirees will require a visitor badge and an escort while in the building. Please contact us one week prior to the scheduled meeting date if you plan to attend. Badges will be available for pick up from the security checkpoint at the Airport Road entrance, Gate 101, of the Boeing Tract II East campus.